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lefteris syrigos (Customer) asked a question.

Enterprise Access 3.0 to SQL SERVER problems

Installation on a windows server 2012R2 of EA 3.0 as user ingres is succeeded.

Create gw alias and then alot of problems running the iigwcatmss command or the iigwcat application fails. Release is the Enterprise Access 3.0.0 Patch 15358 for Microsoft Windows 32-bit.

OS Name:                  Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard

OS Version:               6.3.9600 N/A Build 9600

OS Manufacturer:          Microsoft Corporation

Errors follow

PS C:\Users\ingres> iigwcatmss pesy_v3_test

EA MSSQL 3.0.0 (int.w32/126), MSSQL Catalog Program

Copyright (c) 1998, 2011 Actian Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


At any time enter HELP for more info, QUIT to abort.


DBA name used to qualify unqualified objects> ingres


OpenSQL MSSQL Money Mapping

1 - FLOAT       - default


[1-2]?> 1

Connecting to PESY_V3_TEST as ingres

Existing EA 3.0 catalogs found

Dropping dbo owned Standard Catalog Objects, Please wait...

Dropping ingres owned Standard Catalog Objects, Please wait...

Dropping Scalar functions, Please wait...

Creating Standard Catalog Objects, Please wait...

Creating Scalar functions, Please wait...

Dropping and recreating tables for DBI Drivers, Please wait...

Extended Catalogs Already Exist.

RC = 0


PS C:\Users\ingres> sql pesy_v3_test/mssql -uingres -pingres

INGRES TERMINAL MONITOR Copyright 2012 Actian Corporation

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]sp_cursoroption: The cursor identifier value provided (8) is not valid.

E_UI0037 Unable to find owner of INGRES catalogs.

   Either an error occurred or no rows were found when trying to select the

   owner of the INGRES system catalogs (tried to select table_owner for

   table 'ii_objects'). This program cannot run without this information.

   Exiting . . .


  • Bodo Bergmann (Employee)

    I have found an article connected to this problem stating that to resolve this issue, use the latest SQL Server driver from Microsoft named "SQL Server Native Client 11.0".

  • lefteris syrigos (Customer)

    Hi Bodo Is this the SQL SERVER ODBC Driver 11 as I have tried to install and could not on Windows Server 2012R2. Do we have a release EA 3.0 verification on windows Server OS as below

    OS Name:                  Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard

    OS Version:               6.3.9600 N/A Build 9600

  • Chris Clark (Employee)

    I went ahead and created a support case for this. Using the latest SQL Server drivers should work.

  • The readme with EA has a download link for the v11 drivers (section 5.6). The driver download page you linked to has a lower version number than 11 albeit a later date (and different driver name). I have not used the 2012 drivers.


    I've tested the following with Windows 2012R2 (against SQL Server 2014):


    SQL Server version 6.03.9600.17415 (SQKSRV32.DLL)

    SQL Server Native Client 10.0 version 2007.100.5500.00 (SQLNCLI10.DLL)

    SQL Server Native Client 11.0 version 2011.110.6518.00 (SQLNCLI11.DLL)


    The built into the OS version 6 one has the exact (expected) error originally reported. The newer native drivers do not show this problem.


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